Thursday, December 30, 2010

Tangled thoughts

The stomach flu while gross, does provide one with ample time of thinking and reflection. While bedridden the past few days with ginger ale and crackers, I pondered my beliefs and values. I love reading the blogs from various Christians with different theological leanings. I used to be paralyzed at the idea of considering other stances on issues I had long thought I had made up my mind on. Now, I find it intellectually invigorating and it forces me to be a "Berean". I'm asking questions like a critical atheist, but with the goal of digging the meat from the bones; instead of throwing the baby out with the bathwater. (And how bad is it I just used two metaphors in one sentence?)

I'm starting to notice that a lot of Christians that leave legalistic, "Independent Baptist" backgrounds tend to take a reformed/Calvinistic stance. While I relate to no longer wanting to be associated with most of Baptist culture, a part of me puzzles on why they give up much of man's free will/stewardship/etc. And I'll be the first to admit that I haven't figured it all out.

For the goal is that while swimming through the whole Bible versions debate, pinpointing when human conscience begins, noticing when verses are taken out of context, and other big/small issues, is that in the end I'm that much closer to knowing who God is for myself and not what others would have me to believe of Him. My hope is to come close to this before I have a family, but if not I'm willing to be honest about what I do/don't know and learn alongside them.

"Freedom’s calling, chains are falling,
hope is dawning bright and true.
Day is breaking, night is quaking.
God is making all things new.
Jesus saves.

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