Wednesday, January 14, 2009


While reading my previous post I was amused at my laments on how I was going to get everything done--and school hadn't even started yet. But I'm realizing the answer is: I won't. My friend calls me a workaholic and many times I'm at the office frantically feeling like I need to do "just one more thing". However I recall someone saying "don't fill your life with good things if you are going to miss the best". Highlights of my day? Seeing my friend in convo. Getting a hug from a returning student. The chance to step outside and feel the Arctic air. A beautiful hymn that calmed my soul. And the keen realization that life is short. This season of being a full time student and worker is teaching me about balance. I won't accomplish it all, but I can make room for the best.

So tonight I'm temporally ignoring some friends to make headway on my homework, make tomato soup, clean and go to bed early. Sleep. Ah the best. I also need to make my grocery list and clean out the refrigerator. Then Friday I'm going to visit a friend I have not seen for two years. It's been a while since I had a mini-vacation...uh Christmas doesn't count lol, seems so long ago already.

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