Sunday, October 5, 2008


AHHH! I love people! Whether talking for a hour after church or hanging out with old and new chums, I am at my happiest when I'm around people. I mean I know I need God and He helps me in many ways, but life seems much more bearable when you have others to share it with and to support you. I can't believe I have lived without this interaction for almost a year. No wonder I was so tired and discouraged most of the time. One of my interpreters at school wants to go out to lunch with me this week or next so I'm looking forward to it. :)

And...I got an email back from a dance studio in town and there is still time to sign up/audition for an adult ballet class. I am soooo jazzed about it! It's going to be like seeing an old friend when I put the leotard and ballet slippers on again.

I needa get make dinner and some chores done so I can go to bed. Farewell my friends.

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