Sunday, August 24, 2008


Yes. I know it is midnight and I should be in bed. I am eating a late dinner of lucky charms while watching Bill Cosby and typing this. I have a zillion thoughts racing in my mind, like how I need to clean up the kitchen and my room, sign up for new classes, change my address on other stuff, write my grocery list, pluck my eyebrows, write a thank you note, load the dishwasher, and other boring mundane tasks. Today I worked for two hours, went out to eat, and came home and piddled on the compy for the rest of the evening. I can't wait for next Friday which is when I get off from work due to me volunteering to work on Labor day. Just a couple more weeks till my benefits kick in which means I'll finally have my own insurance. First thing I'm gonna do is get braces...I can't wait to have straight teeth!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate nights like that! When random and sometimes pointless thoughts just race and you can't make it stop!! ANNOYING!!