Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A penny saved; A penny earned

After walking in the front door, I put my purse on the entry table, took off my coat, and sat in front of the computer and BUZZ, there was an IM from my husband.

"Haha! BBT just sent me the balance update,

I know where you are! You just hit the bank!"

I smiled as I typed him a reply back. Since we signed up for email alerts for all our transactions, he knew I was following through my promise to deposit the extra change we had to our checking. This was in light of our new financial goals to pay off our debt and make needed house repairs. We downloaded a (free) ebook on finances that we're currently reading together, one chapter at a time since there is SO much to glean from.

It drew us in and inspired us to re-evaluate our finances. From that inspiration we made the following goals; perhaps it might inspire you as well:

  • Transfer $50 to savings account every payday and budget with the remainder $
  • Transfer any extra cash from primary income to credit card the day before payday
  • Wife gets a PT job to help fund house repairs (currently going through interviews atm)
  • After house repairs are completed, secondary income goes towards debt
  • All upcoming bills are to be paid on payday and not the due date; this prevents overspending
  • Search for a better deal on internet service
If all goes to plan, our credit card will be paid off by June, our personal loan by 2013 and my student loan by 2014. Even with just one income at the time, it is still very doable. The trick is to keep staying as motivated and on task as we are now.

And the book we're reading? It's no longer free, but still worth getting. Find The Simple Dollar here: http://www.amazon.com/Simple-Dollar-Achieved-Dreams-ebook/dp/B003HOXLHA/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&m=AG56TWVU5XWC2&s=digital-text&qid=1302031267&sr=1-1.

We still have a ways to go, but as one of my teachers once said "Luck favors the prepared man".

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