"If all your friends were to jump off a cliff, would you jump off too?"
I cannot be the only person that hated hearing that as a kid growing up. But there I something I have noticed, and that is peer pressure continues into adulthood if not even more so. Especially in Christian circles, whether it'd be in church, on Facebook, in school, etc.
I've noticed peer pressure when wives are expected to be a Christian version of a Stepford-wives--meek, submissive, a good housekeeper, slaves over a hot stove to make meals, etc. Not that I don't do some of those things, but the idea behind peer pressure is that you will be looked down upon if you do not meet those expectations. My friends, this should not be so.
I've noticed peer pressure when folks are guilt-tripped on Facebook to repost certain statuses or they're "denying Christ". Or they're not supporting our military, politicians, or whatever it may be. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the purpose of Facebook was to stay in touch with friends, share news, and encourage each other during hard times--not perpetrate spam.
I've noticed peer pressure, when parents are asked their plans for discipline, education, even methods of baby feeding/sleeping/ schedules--all with the intent of passing judgment, rather than encouraging them to do what is best for their family. I've noticed it when my alumni mater blocks a local newspaper's website without giving a logical explanation behind their decision. Discouraging the use of wisdom and discernment in students is yet another form of peer pressure--to get the adult students to think the same way as they do--without an open forum for discussion and debate. As my previous post stated, if there is no room for difference of opinion, true learning cannot occur.
Let us propose something radical. How about we be real? Honest? Transparent? Let's show other people for what we really are in our current season of life and not what we're pressured to be, even if we have much growing and learning left to do. Let's stop with hiding reality and guilt-tripping. Instead, let us be willing to challenge each other on why we believe what we do, lest we grow stagnant and turn into folks that nod their heads to about everything. Let's never stop thinking critically, logistically and start standing our own two feet despite what others may think. If later I realize my previous stance on any opinion was in error, there is no shame in admitting it and changing course.
For life is not a pass/fail test. :)
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