For folks that wonder what I do all day since I don't have a job (yet, I'm really good at landing interviews though ;-) ) I thought I'd try my hand at taking pictures and blogging about it. On a second thought, that seems really vain as that assumes you're interested in what I do. I'll just promise I don't normally do this and get on with this post. :)
Upon waking every morning:
I make the bed so I'm not tempted to crawl back in and sleep some more while my husband gets ready for work. (I puffy heart sleep). I also pack his lunch, start the coffeepot, throw one load of clothes in the washer, turn the computer on, open up blinds, but I was too sleepy to take pics of all those tasks and this is before 8 in the morning. Cut me some slack. :p
After hubby left, I started ironing the huge iron "pile" while watching Dancing With the Stars. I may not be a bon-bon eating, tv watching housewife, but I feel justified watching tv if I do something at the same time.
Altogether I ironed seven of Mikey's shirts and one of his work pants. (There were still two more pants left in the pile, but I got really tired of ironing by that point--maybe today I'll finish)
Then, time to take out the trash and get the mail:

That done, time to plan dinner (tuna noodle casserole) and shower.
Onto dishes, got a big pile there from cooking during the weekend:
I cheated and had hubby help with some later. My next house WILL have a dishwasher, I despise doing dishes. However, I do love those moments when we can catch up on our day and talk. Didn't do all of them, as our hunger pangs struck when the casserole was done cooking. Tis okay, I wrapped it up this morning. End result:
Yay you can see the stove now! Everything's been windexed and lysoled too so it's all shiny and bacteria free. May as well clean off the dining table while I'm at it:
I love those flowers. I impulsively got a bouquet on sale a week earlier while grocery shopping. Now, time to put the washer load in the dryer:
As soon as the floors are re-done, I'm painting this room a sunflower yellow. I cannot wait.
On to sweeping, dusting, vacuuming, and wiping down mirrors/glass surfaces:
Back of door is our coupons for eating out; that way we won't forget to look for deals for our monthly date nights.
Also straightened up the couch as well (hubby built this, just need to paint the box, add feet, and a padded headboard. Another project for when we have extra $.)
Spent some time posting items to sell online from this pile of items on the floor here. This is what I'm doing for now to make extra $ on Amazon. It's working well so far.
Now onto dinner:
Chili in the crock-pot. I love using my crock-pot, there is something about taking 10 minutes in the morning to dump, err lovingly mix ingredients in a pot that really appeals to my laziness. As a bonus, I don't have to think about dinner for the rest of the day--I probably use crock-pot recipes about 3-4 times a week. Oh, and the recipe for the chili is from here. One of my favorite blogs ever.
Now that I'm about done posting this, I need to fold the clothes, make a new menu plan (I use this free website--it's awesome) and go out to do my errands today. In case the layout was confusing, this was from yesterday (Monday) and a part of this morning. I do deep cleaning on Mondays, errands on Tuesday, yard work, kitchen and bathroom cleaning on Wednesday, a project from the ongoing project list on Thursday, and detail cleaning on Friday. Weekends are off, I just relax with my husband, make homemade pizza and watch netflix and hulu with him. It's my goal to post regularly on my blog to help us earn an additional revenue (we'll see how that works out) and it's also my hope you enjoyed this post.
Time to get in gear, this won't get done by itself:
Oh! And have a great day! ;)
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