Saturday, September 13, 2008


I am getting frustrated with this upcoming election. I really don't like the candidates from either party and I'm disgusted that Christians in particular will follow the Republican party to the ends of the earth just because it's the "lesser of two evils". Whatever happened to voting for the most qualified? Who said we are responsible for the results? As for me I believe that we should vote as God would have us to, and leave the results to HIM.

And, this may bug some people, but I don't think a wishy washy McCain is the best choice for the country. Who cares if he has such a conservative vice president candidate? She's not going to be president, and is not going to be making the policies and decisions for our country. McCain will. Perchance McCain dies is she really fit to be president? What if she ends up drafting women for a war? Speaking of which, does it bother you at all that though she is pro-life she is obviously not pro-family? I mean she went back to work when her baby was three days old! Sorry, but that is not something to brag about lady.

Why does it have to be one or the other? Why can't we have both a pro-life and pro-family stance in the White House? And why are we so focused on creating "history" that we fail to take this seriously? I don't think having a woman candidate is a sign of progress. Rather I think it's unbelievably sad that McCain didn't seem to think that there were any qualified men for the position. And if there wasn't, that's sadder still.

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