Friday night I left to help a girl from church finish moving from Connecticut to here in Virginia. I love taking road trips and hadn't been on one in years, so when she asked me to accompany her I jumped at the chance.
Traveling to me is very inspiring and makes me want to accomplish all the things that I dream of doing. My favorite parts is getting to see downtown in each city we drive through. They are all similar in that they have tall buildings, but each has its own character and style--and I enjoy passing through each one.

Also I drove more then I ever have at one time--for about 4 hours on Friday night and 3 hours Saturday night. I passed by countless truckers, farmers in pickup trucks, fancy SUVs, little coupes, and miles of endless terrain. The last hour I drove the faint vibration of the engine was starting to lure me to sleep--despite the cold air blasting through my window. I flashed my headlights to the moving van in front of me and pulled over to change drivers. After I moved to the backseat I fell asleep not long after.
I believe all experiences are opportunities to learn, and what I learned from this past weekend of traveling is to take chances, live live to the fullest and have no regrets.
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