Friday, January 6, 2012

MoneySavingMom's new book on budgeting

I soooo want to get my hands on this book.

Hoping I earn enough amazon dollars to justify buying it... ;)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Goals for 2012

Since we did fairly well with the loosely set goals we had last year, I wanted to see how much more I could accomplish in 2012 by being focused and intentional.

I was inspired by Money Saving Mom's post on her yearly goals, and used her printable templates as a springboard for my own. Last night over Subway sandwiches before Church, my husband and I finalized the breakdown of our yearly goals into monthly ones.

While some of it may seem ambitious (considering there's a newborn on the way and we're limited to one income), I will be happy if I end up achieving more than I did last year, even if everything doesn't get crossed off the list. Having said that, here's this year's goals:

2012 Goals

Practice individual, daily devotions
Commit to prayer/devotions together as a couple
Commit to more regular church attendence
Give to church and charity of choice on a monthly basis
 Family / Marriage:
Finish nursery for Zeke before he's born
Continue monthly date nights after his arrival
Try different traditions to establish as a family
Eat dinner at the table at least 2x a week
Bring student loan down to $**** and transfer to interest free credit card
Increase emergency savings to $****
Start (me) blogging/amazon sales to earn an extra $100-200 /mo. for debt/savings
Read blogs/books on finances regularly for inspiration
Continue couponing, menu planing, and stockpiling deals when possible
Have at least one room insulated by end of year
Have roof repaired
Install gutters by summer
Clear out brush in yard/Clean out shed
Create ventilation for bathroom and paint ceiling
Study nutrition and implement one new change a month
Cook from scratch more and eat less processed foods
Practice yoga and walking as a family
Declutter the whole house, room by room. Sell or donate unneeded items.
Create methods for storing and organizing items around house.
Regularly read blogs on minimalism/simplicity for new ideas
Strive to stay on top of chores often put off: dishes, laundry, etc *insert red face here*

I might post weekly goals too for accountability, but haven't decided yet if I'll do so. However, here's to a productive 2012! (it's gonna take me a month to get used to saying '12 and not '11....)